Bot creator spotlight: Fluctus
Bot Creator Community
Bot creator spotlight: Fluctus
Bot Creator Community
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Bot creator spotlight: Fluctus

Today, the spotlight is on the bot-creator team Fluctus. Team Fluctus have been active on the BOTS app for almost one year now and currently hold 13 bots in the app: Apollo, Taurus and a lot more.

Bot creator spotlight: Fluctus

Where would the BOTS app be without our fantastic bot creators? These superheroes are the masterminds and creators behind the bots in the BOTS app. But who are they, where do they come from, what’s their relationship with trading, and what’s the philosophy behind their work? 

Let’s find out, shall we?

Today, the spotlight is on the bot-creator team Fluctus. Team Fluctus have been active on the BOTS app for almost one year now and currently hold 13 bots in the app: Apollo, Taurus and a lot more.

Fluctus Technologies

The Fluctus team consists of two guys. They met during their study of medicine after which one of them started a master in AI and the other one in applied physics. The last three years they spent a lot of time on trading, learning all the ins and outs and using all their knowledge from both their masters degrees to create multiple algorithms used for trading. 

“Our friends and family also wanted to use our algorithms, so BOTS and Fluctus were a match made in heaven.”

Where they first focussed on Forex and Exchange markets the team also deep dived into the world of crypto. “The process is pretty similar, so we were able to quickly adjust. Obviously the crypto market is a young market and highly volatile, but by using the inefficiency of the market, you can create great algorithms.”

The team name is also directly drawn from this volatility. “Within the Discord community users were asking us to create a bot that trades in the coin $WAVES. So we made Fluctus, which means waves in Latin. In the first quarter of 2022, this was actually the best performing bot in the BOTS app.”   

“Fluctus was the best performing bot in the BOTS app in the first quarter of 2022.”

Fluctus and the BOTS app

In June of 2021 Fluctus launched their first bot to the BOTS app: Vitulus. And now, one year later, the team has 13 bots active in the app. “Overall we are more than happy with the performance of our bots. We do however still see that people use the BOTS app to trade manually, which of course is not efficient. We designed these bots to do this for you, so we recommend that you leave the trading to your bot and stay in it for the long haul.”

“History shows that active manual trading is less effective than algorithmic trading.” 

The bots that Fluctus creates are designed to offer less risk to the users, a big advantage. “As the BOTS app users have a high risk appetite, we struggled at first to attract users to our bots, but as they can see the performance over the last year, we notice an increase in people subscribing to the bot.” 

When asked about the future, the team is optimistic. “Obviously the market is not optimal now, especially without the possibility of shorts within the BOTS app. When the app is ready for shorts, we expect to launch a lot more new bots, so we can benefit from all movements within the market.” 

Advice to new bot creators: do a correct backtest

When you are thinking about becoming a bot creator, the best advice the team can offer you is backtesting! “A good backtest can make or break your algo. Make sure to eliminate all biases and pitfalls and check all historical data. You do not want to overfit and manipulate the backtest.”

The team also suggests starting easy with the market cap. “The bot creator team decides on the market cap, and they move it slowly but steadily to a higher amount. And this is actually much better than starting with a high cap right from the beginning. It will give you the time to keep analyzing your strategy and see how it works in the current market. We don’t believe in getting rich quick, but rather in a strong and solid future proof plan.”  

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